With the deaths of Margaret Thatcher, Lilly Pulitzer, and Annette Funicello, the world lost three iconic women this week. Each of these women left significant and unique marks on history and popular culture- especially in their contributions to fashion and style.
Margaret Thatcher
The Iron Lady’s fashion sense was defined by the motto, “never flashy, just appropriate.” With ever-present pussybow blouses, handbags, and pearls, Thatcher added a feminine touch to her signature skirt suits. Despite Thatcher’s divisive political and cultural presence, her style was a sign of female strength that paved the way for today’s most powerful women.
Lilly Pulitzer
“Style isn’t just about what you wear, it’s about how you live. We focus on the best, fun and happy things, and people want that. Being happy never goes out of style.” It’s near impossible to look at a Lilly Pulitzer print and not feel a little happier. In 1959, Pulitzer opened a juice stand in Palm Beach. To hide the stains from the fruit, she designed a brightly printed cotton shift dress that turned out to be the first piece in her prep empire. Pulitzer’s bold prints and bright colors changed the face of high-end fashion. We’ve certainly been inspired by her in some of our most colorful events.

Annette Funicello
As one of America’s first sweethearts, Annette Funicello went from adorable Mouseketeer to charming teen beauty. Her classic style and signature hairstyle made her an icon in 1950s Americana fashion. From bikinis to cocktail dresses, the charming girl next door helped shape fashion for an entire generation. I can only imagine how much fun we would have planning a Frankie and Annette beach party!
-William Fogler WM Events